ABOUT | Payton Melphy


I’m so thankful you’re here |

10+ years ago I was struggling from a mysterious debilitating, bed ridden chronic illness that doctors couldn't figure out.

I lost mobility in my arms to the point I couldn’t even raise them from my sides, chronic arthritis throughout my joints, chronic migraines that made me miss over a month of school, my hair was falling out in clumps, high anxiety and depression, brain fog so thick I couldn’t even think or see straight and so much pain that I couldn’t even sleep through the night.

And yet, zero answers.

After being misdiagnosed for years, at 15 years old I decided to take matters into my own hands by becoming my biggest advocate, researcher & student for my body and health—researching + going through trial and error like my life depended on it…because it literally did.

| This is when my love for biohacking, preventative health, wellness & non-toxic living was born.

I started to look inward as to what I was not only putting in my body, but also on my body.

And guess what!! I FINALLY got that diagnosis, took back control of my life & have been kicking ass ever since.


bi·o·hack·ing | 𝘯𝘰𝘶𝘯

The art + science of changing the environment inside of you & around you so that you have full control of your own biology. Biohacking is the desire to understand the body & mind you’ve been given & using everything at your disposal, to become the best version of yourself.


 Through this process I realized that unfortunately I wasn’t the only one experiencing a life like this. I started connecting with others online with similar stories—hearing their pain, struggles and experiences that sounded all too familiar to mine..

| It clicked right then in that moment why I had gone through so much pain and suffering so young.

I truly believe my life purpose is to help others.

For 5 years now I have been sharing my best non-toxic wellness, beauty and lifestyle tips with my online audience of over 150,000 people through social media. In the last 5 years I have been able to directly help and empower over 200 different lives through wellness & non-toxic living.

Although social media has provided me with a good place to help and connect with others, I wanted a platform where I could give back more.

This is where my blog B | by Payton came to life.

This blog is dedicated to you.

Wherever you are on your journey through life, I hope B | by Payton inspires the hell out of you—

To B your biggest + best advocate , have the 𝗖𝗢𝗡𝗙𝗜𝗗𝗘𝗡𝗖𝗘 to try something new in you daily routine & to TRUST yourself and your body.

Throughout this blog you will find my best wellness tips and favorite non-toxic beauty + household products that I’ve collected over the last 10 years.

Whether you’re just dipping your toes into a lifestyle change or are a full fledged enthusiast of non-toxic wellness—you’re going to absolutely love it here. I’m so excited to share and create these resources for you.

Thank you for allowing me to have space in your life & letting me be your go-to gal.

I wish you all the love and support through your life journey.

B | excited and inspired—

Payton Melphy