7 tips to boost your immune system


Getting fresh air and sun is one of the most important things you could do for your immune system, mental health and overall wellness. If you live in state that’s cloudy during the winter, getting out in the sun and taking advantage of its amazing benefits is a little bit trickier. (Even if its not super sunny in your state, I still recommend getting outside and enjoying a walk in nature a few times a week! Even if its just 15 min).

Despite the lack of sun this time of year, luckily we still have options for upping our vitamin D intake(the vitamin we get from the sun)! My go-to Vitamin D supplement is a product called daily wellness . I’ve been taking it since 2020 and I absolutely LOVE the benefits.

What’s so amazing about it?

•It supports all three areas of the immune system; Barrier, Innate and adaptive

•it supports respiratory and sinus health

•it supports everyday health and wellbeing as well as a balanced and diverse gut microbiome

•The ingredients are vitamin D, vitamin C, zinc, elderberry and fermented yeast. Which are all known to be amazing for immune health.

•its super convenient, you just it to water(or add it to your morning smoothie) and tastes like yummy açaí.

Click here to try daily wellness


Don’t get me wrong, I love a nice glass of red wine, toasting with champagne and a festive cocktail, but its so easy to overindulge in alcohol during the holiday season. Unfortunately if you didn’t know, alcohol is a HUGE immune suppressor.

I always suggest upping your water intake, but especially this time of year. If you aren’t the biggest fan of water, adding sliced fruit like lemon and cucumber can spice things up a bit!

Staying hydrated has so many great benefits like immune health, detoxing and lymphatic support and glory clear skin!


Did you know that 70% of your immune system is housed in the gut? Making sure you have a healthy, thriving and balanced gut microflora is key when it comes to having a strong immune system.

The simplest way I make sure my gut is getting all the support it needs to thrive is by taking a good probiotic.

This is my probiotic of choice because—

•it has 6 billion CFUs of beneficial bacteria to support your digestive system

•Provides beneficial bacteria to help maintain a healthy gut microflora

•Helps support gut integrity

•Supports your immune system

•Features delayed-release capsules with unique technology to deliver probiotics throughout the day

Click here for my favorite probio


Exercise is all around vital for maintaining good health. Physical movement is also key for a functioning immune system because it helps get your lymphatic system moving for detoxification. It also helps your body release dopamine & serotonin which boosts your mood naturally. If you suffer from seasonal depression like me, getting some daily movement will help a ton!

Physical movement can be anything from a 15 min walk outside, yoga at home, weight lifting, jogging around the block, jumping on the trampoline, running in the yard with your dog or a fitness class!


I’ve been studying oxidative stress over the last 10 years because it is seriously one of the most interesting subjects that i’ve discovered when it comes to health and wellness.

If you aren’t familiar with what oxidative stress is, ill put it simply… O.S is present in every mammal. It’s essentially aging. You know when you cut open an apple and leave it on the counter and it turns brown? that’s oxidative stress and that’s what’s happening inside our bodies once we hit skeletal maturity around the age of 20. You know how dogs age 7 times faster than humans? Thats because they have 7 times the amount of oxidative stress than humans.

Oxidative stress is at the epicenter of almost every single disease & malfunction in the body. It’s the imbalance between the production of free radicals and the ability of the body to counteract their negative effects by neutralizing them with antioxidants


The most effective solution I’ve found for a one-two punch of achieving both in the body is by activating the NRF2 pathway in the body. Protandim NRF2 synergizer activates pathways to support your body’s ability to produce antioxidants, reduce cellular stress, repair your own cells and boost your body’s own production of glutathione by 300% . It’s a powerful, 6 time patented, all-natural solution to support your body’s healthy aging process. I also love the amount of peer reviewed science it has for a all natural supplement. There is over 26 peer reviewed studies published on pubmed.gov by the likes of organizations like Harvard, American Heart Association and CU medical.

Click here to read more about Protandim NRF2


What are Whole Foods? Simply put they are foods that are not processed and have no artificial/chemical ingredients or preservatives. Those extra additives suppress our immune systems and can actually harm us in the long run.

I also try to stay away fried foods, vegetable oils like canola and sugars.

Our immune systems love thrive off of whole foods! I promise your body will thank you.

examples of whole foods— grains, beans, vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts


Studies show that lack of sleep decreases the amount of infection-fighting antibodies in the body. Studies have also linked sleep deprivation to the production of cytokines, which are chemical messengers essential for suppressing infection and inflammation.

Moral of the story, get some good sleep and throw in a nap or two during the week!

Work and priorities can wait when it comes to your health.

NRF2 activator, daily wellness immune support & my favorite probiotic.

B | well

-Payton Melphy


non-toxic brands that are a work of art


Ways to find zen during the holidays