My best tips for clear, healthy & glowy skin.

Choose non-toxic skincare, haircare & makeup

our skin is our largest organ-- everything put on topically gets absorbed into our bloodstream. What ingredients we apply to our skin matters. Toxic ingredients can irritate skin and overload our other organs sending them into overdrive causing issues long term to not only our skin but overall health.

My holy grail brand for skin, hair & body care is TruesScience. I started using this line over 10 years ago and have yet to find something to top it. All of the products are rated 0-2 for non-toxic on the ‘think dirty’ app. Not only are the ingredients amazing, but they are also infused with the patented Nrf2 technology which has healing properties for your skins microbiome. These systems are very versatile and work for ALL skin & hair types. It is truly incredible.

Shop the TrueScience skincare system here

Shop the TrueScience haircare system here | Shop my favorite lotion & body butter here.

My all time favorite ‘clean’ makeup line is none other than ilia. ilia is perfect for all ages, skin types and tones and has mastered the “me, but elevated” look. Their line is very versatile taking you from that “girl on the go” 5 min natural look to building it up to a “full glam” evening vibe. Their products look and feel amazing without compromising your skin + body’s health.

Shop my favorite ilia makeup products here.

Focus on your gut health

our gut health directly correlates with the health of our skin. If your gut is out of wack, it will show on your face! Starting your day with a pre + probiotic and drinking lots of water can help! Cutting down or eliminating processed foods, preservatives, dairy, gluten, alcohol, sugars and high inflammatory ingredients like vegetable oils will make a massive difference.

If you’re like me, you’ve probably tried what feels like every probiotic on the market & feeling defeated because you aren’t seeing or feeling any results. I found this brand of probiotic about 4 years ago and haven’t looked back.

Heres what makes it different. LifeVantage ProBio uses delayed-release technology to deliver beneficial bacteria deep into your gut. ProBio capsules survive your stomach acids so the bacteria are delivered to your small and large intestines, where they’re needed most. 98% of probiotics on the market don’t make even make it there. There are 6 key strains of beneficial bacteria for a broad spectrum of benefits. CFUs are colony forming units, the measure of healthy live bacteria, and you get 6 billion of them. I also love that its travel friendly(!!!) and doesn't require to be refrigerated like most probiotics. Shop my favorite probiotic here.

The latest buzz in the wellness world are PREbiotics…what the heck are those?!Think of your gut like a garden. ProBiotics add seeds to the garden by introducing healthy bacteria to your gut. Prebiotics are the water, sunlight, and fertilizer helpingthose seeds stay healthy and grow. It’s a one-two punch of health to your gut for a better metabolism and a digestive system that runs like a well-oiled machine. Shop my prebiotic here.

Give your lymphatic system love

the lymphatic system is responsible for draining toxins--

Dry brushing, gua sha, yoga, stretching, sweating and movement can all get your lymphatic system moving. When your lymphatic system is clogged, you will have congested skin. 

Address your healths root issues

If you've tried everything above with no improvement, it's time to address your healths root problems. Addressing the root cause is the only way to fix imbalances in the in the body. I prefer natural & homeopathic healing because it is more gentle on the body as opposed to synthetic treatments & prescriptions.

B | glowy

Payton Melphy


More than a trend: non-toxic living (& why your health depends on it)


What’s in my non-toxic makeup bag—